2022-2025 Strategies
Educate: Deliver quality experiences
As “One BOCES,” provide students with high-quality, consistent programming across all campuses.
Address the social and emotional wellness of all.
Meet current and emerging needs through innovative and diverse programs and services.
Strengthen our comprehensive attendance plan to reduce chronic absence.
Empower: Inspire all to lead
Develop and implement policies and practices that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Recruit qualified and retain effective employees at all levels.
Collect, analyze and report data to inform decision-making.
Monitor and update our safety and emergency response procedures.
Invest in the continued professional growth of all staff, including the use of digital technologies and remote learning.
Collaborate: Nurture productive relationships
Re-energize our regional effort to ensure all third graders are reading on grade level.
Implement a consistent, transparent external communication plan.
Market our premier programs and services through strong community connections.
Build vital partnerships with school districts, business, industry, higher education, legislators, public agencies and other community organizations.