Strategic Plan


Deliver high-quality educational programs and services that are diverse, innovative, and cost-effective.


Propel regional growth as a premier provider of educational services.

Core Beliefs

  • All individuals can learn and grow.

  • Students are at the center of our decision-making.

  • We act with honesty and integrity.

  • A safe and engaging environment is essential to learning.

  • We treat everyone with dignity and respect.

  • Creative thinking moves our organization forward.

  • We demonstrate a strong work ethic and are accountable for our actions.

  • Effective, transparent communication is essential to success.

  • We embrace collaboration and shared decision-making.


Michael Rullo
District Superintendent

Dori Bates
Secretary to the District Superintendent
(607) 335-1233


2022-2025 Strategies

Educate: Deliver quality experiences

  • As “One BOCES,” provide students with high-quality, consistent programming across all campuses.

  • Address the social and emotional wellness of all.

  • Meet current and emerging needs through innovative and diverse programs and services.

  • Strengthen our comprehensive attendance plan to reduce chronic absence.

Empower: Inspire all to lead

  • Develop and implement policies and practices that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • Recruit qualified and retain effective employees at all levels.

  • Collect, analyze and report data to inform decision-making.

  • Monitor and update our safety and emergency response procedures.

  • Invest in the continued professional growth of all staff, including the use of digital technologies and remote learning.

Collaborate: Nurture productive relationships

  • Re-energize our regional effort to ensure all third graders are reading on grade level.

  • Implement a consistent, transparent external communication plan.

  • Market our premier programs and services through strong community connections.

  • Build vital partnerships with school districts, business, industry, higher education, legislators, public agencies and other community organizations.