Staff Development

DCMO BOCES Instructional Support Services (ISS) is comprised of the Staff Development Team, the School Library System, the Regional Partnership Center, Arts in Education Services, Enrichment Services, and the Catskill Regional Teacher Center. Together, the entire team works to provide districts with a wide range of professional development, resources, best practices, and technical assistance so schools can meet their strategic goals and improve student achievement. 

The Staff Development Team is one part of the ISS Team. The DCMO BOCES Staff Developers are available for various types of support in district and at the regional level. Staff Developers can provide workshops, coaching, connections, and best practices to support teachers and administrators. Staff Developers may also act as a liaison to facilitate meetings in districts. 


Ginger Rinaldo
Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services
(607) 335-1445

Nan Gizowski
Coordinator of Staff & Curriculum Development
(607) 335-1350

Christine Newell
Coordinator of Staff & Curriculum Development
(607) 335-1243

Amanda Hoover
Mental Health Coordinator
(607) 335-1348

Rebecca Roberts
Computer Services Coordinator
(607) 335-1279

Kerry Simmons
Admin Assistant for Instructional Support Services
(607) 335-1360

Regional Focus Areas

Monthly Principal Meetings - Best practices in leadership and communication will be explored in monthly principal meetings. Topics and conversations will be based on regional needs.

Leadership Academy - Principals and building level leaders will have the opportunity to collaborate and improve leadership skills.

LINKS/Strategic Planning - This is an opportunity for districts to return to a regional gathering to focus on regional needs, strategic planning, and actions steps.

5 Days of In-District Support - Districts have already purchased up to 5 days of service for us in half or full day increments.  Districts may utilize these days for Staff Development, Liaison Meetings, Data Facilitation, In District LINKS Facilitation, Coaching, Planning or any combination of these services. This list is not exhaustive. Please ask if you need staff development support that is not listed. 

Regional Training - Regional training will focus on building a foundation for district work in Literacy, Math, Building Instructional Leadership and Social and Emotional Learning.  We will also include regulatory training such as DASA, mentor training and lead evaluator training. Training will continue to be offered in a flexible format including in-person or asynchronously.