School Library System

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Jenn Mech, Library Assistant

New York School Library Systems are a collection of state-aided programs sponsored by each BOCES or 'Big 5' city school district.  They provide vital library and information resources to public and nonpublic schools throughout the state.  Each system operates under a state approved plan of service to provide:

  • Leadership and training through professional learning activities

  • Assistance with resource sharing among its member school libraries

  • Access and direction with cooperative collection development of school library materials

  • Provide electronic catalogs of regional and local resources.

  • Facilitate interlibrary loan requests and resource sharing.

  • Provide professional learning opportunities for school librarians and other educators and administrators.

  • Connect with the New York State Library as well as public, academic and special libraries for access to specialized resources.

The DCMO BOCES School Library System provides support for automation, Interlibrary loan, cooperative purchasing for digital student resources, and access to a wide selection of Ebooks and audiobooks. Services also include professional learning workshops, grant writing support, consultation, mini-grant funding opportunities and resource and curriculum development.


The DCMO School Library System is committed to providing equal and equitable access to information and resources throughout the educational community in order to support and encourage responsible, lifelong learners.