Artist/Vendor Forms

Information for Artists and Vendors

Artists and vendors will receive email notification from our office verifying the information agreed upon with the school district requesting service.  Please let us know if any scheduling or cost details are incorrect or have changed.  Specific arrangements for the event/program should be handled directly with the school district.

Please follow the directions and links below to submit the necessary forms. 

Artist Agreement

All artists partnering with school districts should complete the Artist Agreement Form before the date of service for in-school events. Click the link above.

Invoice Generator

All invoices should be sent to (Arts in Education, DCMO BOCES, 6678 County Rd. 32, Norwich, NY 13815).  You can use the Invoice Generator to create and submit an invoice as well.  Click the link above.

A W-9 form is also necessary for payment, but only has to be filed with DCMO BOCES once, unless your information has changed. 

Travel/Lodging will not be handled through the Arts in Education cooperative service. Please contact the school district if you require travel/lodging arrangements. 

Please email Jessica Dakosty,, if you have any questions.  Thank you!

Teacher assisting student with sculpting pottery